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PESCO is an organization that utilizes machine learning, artificial neural networks, visual quality control, and remote condition monitoring to build software and other accessories according to customer’s needs. Our team has years of experience. Our software developers and specialized data mining experts develop digital strategies and tailor-made software solutions. Until now, We have provided services to industrial companies and machine manufacturers, and we are looking forward to expanding our services.

Development Partner on Eye Level

PESCO has helped a number of well-known companies successfully transition to the Industry 4.0 era. PESCO is an experienced partner in transforming manual work to atomization, predictive maintenance, and machine learning projects, and will also make your digitization project a success, thanks to its many years of experience.


Experts Employed


Projects Completed


Industries Served


Factories Built

The competitive factor of digital services

Added Value for Your Customers.

Additional Digital Features

Networking your products opens up a full range of digital applications that can improve the user experience of your products.

Product utilization optimization

Automatic reordering of spare parts

Monitoring and monitoring of the production process in an optimal manner

Predictive maintenance reduces downtime (Partially) automatic quality control

Per product, a wide range of customization options are available

Using digital apps, you can communicate innovations and keep customers up to date in the ecosystem of your company.

User Experience Enhancement

You can fully protect the machine control from the user interface by connecting your machinery. The user applications do not need any special hardware and can be used on a range of end devices, including smartphones, laptops, and PCs. This eliminates technological barriers for both consumers and app developers, allowing for the creation of a world-class user interface that significantly simplifies consumer engagement with your product in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Added Value for Manufacturers.

Product perfection and advantage over competitors:

Advancements in computer hardware typically bear a high cost which can necessitate a redesign of the final unit. At the same time, growing rivalry in the hardware sector makes it more difficult to distinguish the low-cost alternatives from the competition, like Asia, while increasing the pressure on innovation to differentiate. Digital deals, in particular, make your machinery look better, promote your company’s creative image, and they rarely require improvements to be made to existing hardware. If you want something done quickly and less risk, use software-added.

Usage data are important to researchers and customers alike

In order to understand the machine, sensor, and data your appliance provides, you must connect your machinery and cloud-based applications. Reactivity offers customized upselling for machine parts, and helps you anticipate maintenance needs by giving you a clear picture of potential maintenance opportunities and by allowing you to conduct proactive work ahead of the time. You also need accurate and detailed data to develop and perfect your products.

Prescription for integrating Internet of Things (IoT) strategy with enterprise development

The Internet of Things is rapidly shifting into a critical success factor in business. These manufacturers see the added value of connecting assets and realize them more quickly. Pes will support you on this path by helping you take advantage of future business opportunities while adhering value to your model and improving your profit margins.