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Artificial Intelligence for Production

Machine learning

An app-driven digital transformation that focuses on using technology and features for user/consumer engagement generates useful usage data. operating data extracted from sensors and machines provide the building blocks for all of progress. An out-of-date, rule structure is falling behind as more and more data and information become accessible. By comparison, models that are based on self-study and deep study will work with all available data, even if they are complex

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Evolutionary Production

A Smart Factory's Brain

To automate the process of collecting different sensor values, an algorithm learns how sensors influence each other, thus detecting anomalies that a programmer may not be able to track. No computer is immune to complications, which makes the implementation of real-time monitoring possible. It prevents unanticipated events from even happening and puts an end to issues being costly to fix. The opening of an entire section of the AI hardware to specialist tasks because of modern improvements in powerful devices is the result of Memory chipsTo automate the process of collecting different sensor values, an algorithm learns how sensors influence each other, thus detecting anomalies that a programmer may not be able to track.

No computer is immune to complications, which makes the implementation of real-time monitoring possible. It prevents unanticipated events from even happening and puts an end to issues being costly to fix. The opening of an entire section of the AI hardware to specialist tasks because of modern improvements in powerful devices is the result of Memory chips.

Evolutionary Production

Prediction support

Using these models, engineers may extract useful information about process behavior and operating data, which helps to predict the existence of components and equipment.

Flaw Detection

Also conducts in-depth inspection to detect objects and errors in motion, in real time.

Strategic Planning

Managers and suppliers can identify potential supply-chain bottlenecks before they have grown to become bottlenecks, helping them get to market on time and avoid production shutdowns.

Let's look at a concrete example

The technology uses optical character recognition (OCR) to read license plates. Due to the advent of new technologies, PESCO is now able to integrate video cameras with ANPR technology. It is useful in any number of applications, and there are many advantages in terms of both efficiency and security. It is more cost-effective to implement an ANPR in the camera surveillance rather than a traditional server solution approach.

How does PESCO come into play?

Every company must deal with the digital transition and implement a successful platform manufacturer. Project management should be done within the company so as to enhance your staff’s knowledge and skills.

By bringing on board a capable of performing this task-level artificial intelligence, businesses can use their current or transform their digital platform substantially. Using the technology allows you to determine the most effective route for accomplishing your goal.

Experienced Partner for I4.0 & Machine Learning Projects

Many renowned companies have successfully entered the I4.0 age with PESCO. With its years of experience, the service provider will also make your digitization project a success.

Well Connected with Manufacturers and Suppliers

I4.0 projects only succeed in cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers. PESCO’S network has been benefiting its customers all around and, thus, enables fast decision-making and access to best practices.

On-Stop Strategy and Platform Provider

Pesco designs tailor-made I4.0 strategies for its customers. The in-house software platform allows for quick implementation and rapid project success.

Tools & Technologies

Cloud Platforms

Big Data

Integeration Tools

Data Warehouse Solutions

Business Intelligence Tools

AI/ML Tools